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Explore Trimble

Train Station


Photorealistic and real-time rendering to create excellent designs, powered by Chaos®.

Powerful visualizations for professional projects

Compelling design narratives

Generate high-quality visualizations to present your design story, showcase proposal merits to clients, and win more work.

Team alignment

Use real-time or photorealistic renders to remove design ambiguity, and reach consensus quicker.

Client engagement & approval

Quickly iterate on design ideas and deliver results to clients effectively with real-time, interactive rendering.

Train station

Features You’ll Love

Real-time rendering

V-Ray Vision gives you access to your own real-time digital camera, allowing for instant feedback and quick iterations with the ability to explore different materials and lighting. Share your projects with clients and collaborators via an executable file.

Light Gen

Simulate a range of natural lighting options for interior and exterior scenes with just a few clicks and easily select the right ambiance.

Improved sky model & custom orientation

Render your scene in the perfect light of the magical hours of the day and fully control the sun’s position for creative effect.

Stylized renders

Use lines to add contouring, depth, and outlines to your designs.

Compatibility with Enscape

Transfer real-time scenes from Enscape into V-Ray, including materials, 3D models, and lights, for a seamless end-to-end design process.

Frame buffer

Fine-tune and finish your images without an extra app, including color adjustments, lens effects, composite render layers, and light mix.

Material library

Add context to your design with a library of over 200 architectural materials (terrain, tile, wood floors, brick) that are ready to use. Use them as a foundation for creating bespoke finishes to suit your projects, including complex transparent and translucent materials.

Light mix

Create dozens of lighting scenarios from a single render — without re-rendering.

Animations and virtual reality

Render complex animations and fly through projects with stakeholders, right in your model or in virtual reality at a 1:1 scale.

Advanced visualization tools

Create complex geometric patterns, craft intricate skies using procedural programming, scatter objects, and more. Enjoy all the creative control with increased efficiency.


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